Monday, 30 November 2009

Google Wave

Omg omg ! how exciting is this,
My wait for the new Social Networking platform that is said to take the world by storm is finally here.
Right now, it is in its fledgling state, so its true potential hasn't been realized yet.
I believe that its realtime function will prove to be greatly important to our future.

So I've asked for an invitation about a month ago, and it's finally here!
As you will notice, it still says Google Wave Preview, I think they've only just released it to the general public as beta testing. Then they will require the pioneers, like myself, to report bugs and inconsistencies.

In any case, I am very excited about it. G-Wave gives you 8 invitations to start off with. So any of you who wants an invitation, I have about 4 left. Let me know :)

Here's more on how Wave works.

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