Wednesday 14 November 2012

What Would You Do If Your Mother Died?

what would you do if your mom passed away now. choi choi touch wood

  1. cry
  2. get a post mortem
  3. call all family members to notify
  4. remind myself to be strong
  5. call lawyer about her will and if funeral arrangements have been specified.
  6. pick the church and discuss burial or cremation
  7. I'd smoke a lot of weed and be really numb for a long while
  8. find a therapist, keep reporting and communicating to distract myself
  9. video record myself with my last words to mother to help get closure, put that CD together with her urn or casket
  10. Put on strong face for everyone, and make her funeral about the appreciation of her life's influence, make it a 'proud and distinguished' ending to a great woman's life

Its better to have a ritual ready so u can just do it and get things done while ur mind goes blank at that time, you wont be able to think at all.

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