Prince at the Ball
Saturday nights are usually reserved for clubbing,yum cha-ing or doing the seventies "Grease Lightning" dance moves. I,however, was at a charity ball!
Here is a description I copied from the Kiwanis site (wow,I totally didn't know they had a website!)
Click for the Kiwanis Webpage
“Loving Is Giving” Charity Dinner
The Kiwanis Club of Ampang Jaya is organising a charity fundraising dinner "Loving Is Giving" for the benefit of worthy causes for underprivileged children. It will be held on Saturday, 12th August, 2006, 7.30pm, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur.
OH! so thats what it was for,underprivileged children.OMG! but they were giving like was 60'000 or more? I remember one guy gave 20'000 out of nowhere! HEllo! where's the entry form for the underprivileged kids club? Is it like Yippee or McKids or something? SIGN ME UP!
Anyway,Cynthia and I had a table to ourselves...ok ok..not really alone but along with Tim,His frens (Foo,Jessie,Tzu Pei and Alia A.K.A Certified Camwhore!) then my 'Uncelebrated' sibling Rose de SorrySow n her two minions of Darkness.
The formal stiffness made things feel dull.I usually have the urge of standing on the table,shake my ass and make loud obnoxious noises to cause shock.Also just to see the expression on those high society ass faces.But I don't.AND THAT,is wat separates me from creatures like Rose de Animalia.Because after the typical chinese wedding-like dinner (with candlelit first dish in the dark n all),Music played and my unfortunate sister went up the stage to make a scene.The sad part was that when others did it,like Tim,they got Applause. But I guess she was so full of herself that she couldn't hear the laughs.(The proud look when she jiggles her fats still haunt me.brrr.)
After The dinner,Everyone did the thing that shall bring World peace one day.
A language understood throughout race and age.
A work of art created in togetherness.
Tzu Pei,Tim and Rose Du Whorerror
Tim and friends (Jess [fan of my blog!], Alia, Foo & Tzu Pei.)
Cynthia,Alia (Certified Camwhore. A fan of my blog!), Royce (Prince Rainaire.A fan of her Pictures!)
The Main Superstars-what this event is all about...ok ok ,and the children.
I dunno why but tim's head looks like glued onto his cardboard body.LOL.
~Will add more pics later~
After that only Me,Tim,Cynthia and Alia were left.And we went clubbin! waahaha.I took Alia and Cynthia's Clubbing virginity.
There was one problem though...Alia was wearing a Baju Kurung! Into a club? That's like wearing hooker clothes into a church!
So a little inspiration from the fashion fairy and ..*rips off skirt,throws tudung,ties a neck tie at the waist. Poof!
I brought them to Nouvo and I was real nervous that THEY would be checked by da bouncers (gosh,hadn't felt underaged in a long time).But they got through. Unfortunately it was a DJ with lousy taste in music and there were so many blacks tat we felt like it was a clubbing set for The Gods Must Be Crazy movie.
We decided to ditch the scene after the DJ OUTRIGHT LIED to us all by saying something about De Ja Vu the hot song by Beyonce.We all thought it was the next song but he just played something that sounds like African Tribal Dance.So we left the Mad Black Big Mommas tat were hogging the dancefloor and camwhore.
Never the less it was a Fun day.
hmm- I oso went to Yum Cha with Winson on Monday morning at 5am!! yes folks, He had Insomnia...and 5 to 6 am was just my normal sleeping time..LOL. So we had a nice chat at a mamak near my home while wonderin if those early joggers were in fact Hungry Ghosts *laughs at bouncy grandma flipping arms like penguin*. (Hungry Ghost Festival now ya kno).He left at 740 am cuz it wuld b working jam soon.Really nice to catch up with people after a long while though.He also recently won some BRA contest (hee hee hee) BRA! giggles..Second place too! quite proud of him.Of course I did help vote too,maybe tats why he won. Aiya anyway tomoro ive got 2 exams then HOLIDAZe@!!!! im gonna fill it with activities! call me if u wanna have some fun!~ Quick CALL NOW! offer only lasts while time slots still available.
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