Wednesday 7 October 2009

New Series Review: The New Adventures of Old Christine | The Dresden Files

Royce Loves this new series:

A divorced woman whose name is Christine tries to start a new life when she finds her husband and his new girlfriend, Also Christine, making out in the car park of her son's school.
This effectively makes the girlfriend, the New Christine, and her,....the Old Christine.

This is a Link to where you can watch tons of series online. Stream it!





Royce Is disappointed with this series:

The Dresden Files

A middle aged detective is registered in the Yellow pages as a Wizard. He has a dead warlock that lives in a skull and he simply CSI's magical crime scenes.
His powers aren't even cool! it's just basic parlour tricks because for some reason, he cannot reveal "real" Magick even though he is Fricking REGISTERED as a WIZARD in The bloody Yellow Pages.

WTH? it's just not even worth it.

My next desired review : True Blood.

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